Enhancing the Availability of Your Hydrogen Refuelling Station

Today, as the world shifts towards greener energy, hydrogen refuelling stations (HRS) play a crucial role in the drive for sustainability. However, increasing the availability and uptime of these stations presents significant challenges, many of which stem from the fluid control domain. To successfully navigate the future of hydrogen fuel, it is important to understand these issues and explore solutions that enhance the durability, safety, and efficiency of HRSs.


Customer Problems: 3 Challenges Affecting Hydrogen Refuelling Station Downtime


  • Inadequate Technologies: Much of the technology currently used at HRSs was not designed to handle high-pressure hydrogen for extended periods. Many solutions have been upscaled from compressed natural gas applications, which deal with pressures significantly lower than 1,050 bars


  • Freezing Nozzles, Valves, and Regulators: These failures are often caused by the precooling of hydrogen, which exposes the equipment to temperatures as low as -50°C. Most components are only designed and tested for temperatures around -40°C, as prescribed by the ISO19880 standard


  • Limited Component Lifetimes: The tough environment of a hydrogen refuelling station, with temperatures between -50°C and 85°C and pressures up to 1,050 bars, puts considerable strain on components. Fluid control solutionsnot specifically designed for these conditions often have shorter lifetimes


  • Hydrogen Cleanliness Issues: Debris introduced via storage cylinders or moisture from on-site electrolysis can
    compromise hydrogen cleanliness. At low temperatures, particles and moisture pose a significant risk due to ice
    formation, potentially causing components like valves and regulators to freeze in their current position overnight.


  • Complex Station Designs: The intricate design of current stations exacerbates these issues, especially under high usage. The more complex the system, the more likely it is to break down, leading to additional downtime.


IMI Solutions: Enhancing the Availability of Your Hydrogen Refuelling Station with Advanced Fluid Control Solutions. 


  • Optimal Component Selection: It is vital that your station utilizes fluid control solutions (valves, regulators, filters, etc.) specifically engineered for high-pressure hydrogen applications. Furthermore, critical consideration should be given to material selection in order to prevent hydrogen embrittlement issues.


  • Proper Filtration: Implement comprehensive filtration solutions to ensure hydrogen cleanliness. While most dispenser applications prescribe 5-micron mesh size filters, the supply side sometimes lacks proper filtration. Adequate filtration is a cost-effective way to prevent damage from small particles.


  • Temperature Control: Regularly review temperature levels across your refuelling stations, particularly between precooling and dispensing. If the system temperature goes below the prescribed level, appropriate measures need to be taken to prevent freezing and subsequent equipment damage 


  • Reduced Complexity: Simplify your HRS design wherever possible. Integrating multiple functionalities into fluid control manifolds can greatly reduce complexity and associated risks.




Ready to reduce complexity and cost in your HRS design?

Download the Case Study and Book a call with IMI Hydrogen experts Today!

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